Search Results for: will Appleyard – Page 2

Sur la route au Yucatan

MEXICO DIVER On The Road In Yucatan Twelve days in Mexico around Christmas – perfect for some iconic caverns with Mayan relics, bull sharks and classic reefs, reasoned will appleyard....

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Plongées du monde

Côte du New Jersey

…from site to site. APPLEYARD boards the ferry once again… Snakelocks anemones. I TIPPED MY CAP TO GUERNSEY while we waited for both the foot and car passengers to…

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Plongées du monde

Veux tu être amis?

...APPLEYARD Arrival and First Impressions THE ONLY RESEARCH I DID before heading to Gran Canaria was to look briefly at the Blue Explorers dive-centre website – a two-in-one site,…

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Plongées du monde

Fonctionnement à sec

CROATIA DIVER Dry-ish Run APPLEYARD and his partner Ana undertake a Croatian diving road-trip, though for long periods it looks set to be no more than a Croatian road-trip!…

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Plongées du monde

Impressions tourbillonnantes

SPAIN DIVER Whirlwind Impressions Every trip to Spanish Mediterranean locations leaves APPLEYARD that bit more impressed with the diving potential, especially for mini-breaks from the UK. So how sera...

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La trappe de sortie de l’abri anti-bombes.
Plongée sous-marine

Évasion de la prison

ESTONIA DIVER If you enjoyed Will Appleyard’s recent Frozen In Time features about diving Baltic wrecks, here’s a coda to those adventures, as he takes time out to explore the…

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Photographie sous-marine

Fusillade à Anilao

PHOTO DIVER Shoot-out In Anilao What is it like to have more than 300 muck-divers bothering the critters for several days during a prestigious underwater photographic competition? APPLEYARD tags…

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